Navigating Child Custody With a Narcissist

A child hugging a parent with the words, "navigating child custody with a narcissist."

She thought the divorce would be the end of it, but it wasn’t. The judge had granted her and her ex-husband joint custody of their child. Every other week, she loaded her kids up in the car and took them to their father’s house. She waved to them bravely as they got out of the […]

What If My Child Refused Visitation With Their Non-Custodial Parent?

A parent talking with their child and the words, "what if my child refuses visitation with non-custodial parent?"

Divorce is not an easy process, especially when there are children involved. The emotional trauma of seeing their parents separate along with sudden changes in schedules and rules can make children uneasy. While many will adapt to these changes, others have a more difficult time. Whether it is due to rebellion on the part of […]

Does Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Have Debt Limits?

Legal documents with the words, does chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy have a debt limit?

Every household in the United States understands the delicate balance when it comes to financial health. While debt is not necessarily bad, too much debt can leave a family struggling to get back to a state of financial stability. The debts begin to squeeze them dry, hurting their credit scores, leaving them with little to […]

Who Gets the House in a Divorce?

A picture of a couple talking with the words "who gets the house in a divorce?"

During a divorce, many aspects of a couple’s shared life suddenly go up for debate. Who will get custody of the children? Who will get custody of the pets? How will shared assets be divided? Will there be spousal support? All of these questions can cause an already strained relationship to completely snap, leaving both […]

What Are the Requirements for Adopting a Relative in Texas?

A mother playing with her child with the words, "what are the requirements for adopting a relative in Texas?"

Every life and every adoption is different. While each child’s circumstances vary, the bottom line remains the same. At some point, if due to their situation a child’s parents are unable to provide the care their child needs to ensure they grow up safe and healthy, adoption is a great option. If a child in […]

Talking To Your Kids About Divorce

Parents talking with teenage boy

Having the divorce talk with your child may be tough, but it is necessary for them to understand what is going on, know what to expect in the coming months, and most of all, feel secure about their future. The way to approach this topic will depend largely on the age of your child; different […]

How Do I Serve my Spouse with Divorce Papers In Texas?

A man and a woman sit across from each other at a white table with documents between them above the words "How Do I Serve my Spouse with Divorce Papers In Texas"

Going through a divorce is not an easy process. The stress can sometimes feel overwhelming, as the future looms before you, veiled by uncertainty. One of the best ways to reduce stress and give yourself a sense of control is to understand how the divorce process works. A big fear and sense of confusion can […]

I Just Admitted to Myself It’s Over: What Do I Do Now?

Divorce Signpost Meaning Custody Split Assets And Lawyers

Admitting that a marriage isn’t working out and proceeding with divorce is tough. But once you have come to terms with ending a marriage, it’s time to start making some decisions. Mistakes during divorce proceedings can cost you emotionally and financially, so it’s important to protect yourself. If you’re unsure what steps to take after […]

The Reality About Child Support Payments in Texas

parent holding child

Child support is one of the most important and talked about aspects of family law. It has become the subject of news and celebrity tabloids as well as a plot point for many forms of media. While this influx of information has increased awareness of child support, it has also led to misinformation that causes […]

5 Things You Need to Know After You’ve Been Served

Petition for divorce paper with a pen and wedding ring

Being served divorce papers can be an overwhelming experience. It can be tempting to procrastinate about what to do with them as you try to sort through all the emotions and thoughts of what went wrong. Taking the proper steps, however, can ensure that you get the best possible outcome for yourself.  Alison Grant, Attorney […]