When a child is born to a married couple, both parents have natural rights to their child. When the couple goes through a divorce, a judge will help the parents work out the details about who gets the children, for how long, and other rights such as visitation and child support. However, parents who are […]
How Can I Protect My Credit During a Divorce?
Divorce is a hectic time in which a family’s entire world is changing. Assets are being divided, custody over children and pets is being fought for, and figuring out the next steps once the divorce is finalized creates a lot of stress. The emotional turmoil of the previous life ending, along with any unresolved emotions, […]
How to Protect Your Parental Rights Before Your Child Is Born?
Children are incredible blessings, but for some individuals, this blessing can also be surrounded by a mountain of anxiety. Whether the child is born out of wedlock or the parents are on shaky ground with each other, these issues can have parents concerned about their parental rights. The mere thought of losing the child is […]
What Are the Benefits of Mediation in Divorce?
Divorce is often seen as a horrible process, full of contention, overwhelming stress, and an onslaught of feelings. The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory ranks divorce as the second most stressful life event, right behind the death of a spouse. While this may be true for divorces that are occurring due to issues such as infidelity […]
What Do I Do If My Ex Won’t Pay Child Support?
Children are a blessing and a major responsibility. When it comes to a divorce, the noncustodial parent is often decreed to pay child support as their way of ensuring the child’s financial needs are being met. However, oftentimes, there are issues with late payments for child support if the noncustodial parent completely neglects to make […]
Texas Celebrates National Adoption Month
In the State of Texas, there are over 6,000 children that are waiting for their forever home. Adoption is a huge decision that comes with a lot of responsibility but the lives that are changed for both the individuals doing the adoption and the children that are being brought into a loving family make it all […]
Common Divorce Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Divorce is a word that no couple wants to hear. It’s challenging to go through and full of complex emotions that can lead to individuals making rash decisions driven by the “what” of the moment. Having a knowledgeable divorce attorney on your side can be the difference between navigating divorce successfully or having a devastating […]
Does My Divorce Attorney Need Access to My Social Media Accounts?
Social media has connected our entire world to the palm of our hands. With more than 300 million users on social media in the United States, it is no wonder that more and more individuals know what is going on in the lives of their friends, family, and neighbors without ever having heard a phone […]
Navigating Child Custody With a Narcissist
She thought the divorce would be the end of it, but it wasn’t. The judge had granted her and her ex-husband joint custody of their child. Every other week, she loaded her kids up in the car and took them to their father’s house. She waved to them bravely as they got out of the […]
What If My Child Refused Visitation With Their Non-Custodial Parent?
Divorce is not an easy process, especially when there are children involved. The emotional trauma of seeing their parents separate along with sudden changes in schedules and rules can make children uneasy. While many will adapt to these changes, others have a more difficult time. Whether it is due to rebellion on the part of […]